@thatveganteacher makes videos to persuade others to follow the vegan lifestyle. These videos attract a lot of hate and controversy. (Photo courtesy of @thatveganteacher on TikTok)
@thatveganteacher (Miss. Kadie) is a TikToker with 1.2 million followers, an animal rights activist, and a very strict vegan. Veganism is a diet/lifestyle where a person avoids animal products or by-products of any kind.
Recently there is a lot of controversy surrounding how she delivers her messages and about what she feeds her dog Bella. She compares animal lives to humans’ and invalidates people’s trauma by comparing it to the killing of animals.
Kadie posts TikToks convincing her followers to go vegan in a variety of different ways. One of her most popular TikToks is a jingle she made telling McDonald’s, a billion-dollar corporation, to change their entire menu to be vegan-friendly.
Skyler Dickerson, who regularly uses TikTok, said via text, “My honest opinion is that I hate her. She idiotically compares not being vegan to racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.”
The vegan teacher asks, “Do you know how your ancestors were treated? Enslaved and murdered? Do you not know what they do to the animals right now?” She compares the treatment of African slaves a couple centuries back to how animals are killed for food now. Some users have said that she is invalidating slavery and is valuing animal’s lives just as much, or even more than, humans’.
In another TikTok, she compares sexual assault and the #metoo movement to animal lives. Kadie does this by saying “women are not objects” and “animals are not objects” with the hashtag “bevegan”. Unfortunately, comments on her video were disabled, but various YouTubers who were watching her videos said, “what is wrong with [her]?”
One TikTok user asked her if she would rather save a cow or a child. In the video, she was very hesitant about her answer and said she would judge based on different circumstances. She even said she would consider “how much meat does this child consume?” as a factor to who she would save.
In a different video, the vegan teacher responded to someone who said that their religion was against veganism by stating, “time to change that religion right away!” Kadie is non-religious and has responded to several other religious people by writing short songs convincing them to switch to a religion (or none at all) that allows for veganism.
In another Tiktok, she responds to a user’s comment about the death of their friend after becoming vegan. She mocks and disrespects their death by questioning whether the user “tried hard enough to get him to eat meat” and asking what his/her friend ate. One of the hashtags used is “comedy.” Another user commented that their brother died from being malnourished after also becoming vegan. People in the comments were not happy with her responses. User @meloncosplays commented, “she ignored the fact that someone died from veganism, showing she doesn’t care about the deaths, she just wants everyone to go vegan.”
(Here is a bonus TikTok proving how questionable her views are.)
Her dog Bella has been vegan for a few years now. This diet is really bad for dogs since plant-based meat alternatives such as soy don’t contain vital minerals, and a dog’s digestive tract is designed for a carnivorous diet. The owner needs to be really careful and take time to ensure that their pet gets all the necessary nutrients. A Reddit user wrote in a now-deleted post, “That Vegan Teacher on TikTok has been forcing her dog to eat vegan for years, and despite her dog eating grass, which dogs do when they feel sick, and despite being told hundreds of times she refuses to feed her dog properly.” Many people claim that eating grass is not normal behavior for dogs, and they do it in order to induce vomiting. This is one piece of evidence proving she is being severely malnourished.
Whether you are vegan or not, we can all agree that the vegan teacher has taken things way too far and is persuading her followers to follow the vegan lifestyle in a cult-like manner. While many viewers stand their ground about eating animal products, her supporters are guilted into it by being called hypocrites and murderers. People can make their own choices, but the vegan teacher has a strong influence on some.
That vegan teacher needs to reconsider how she is spreading her message to her followers and should consider feeding her dog more nutritious food.

Hi! My name is Isabel and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. I am also a member of Leesville’s Math Club.
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